Spiritual healing and counseling could be the secret to rediscovering the awareness of wholeness that is our natural state.

 What began as a spiritual awakening has led me on an ongoing path to spiritual enlightenment. It is with great respect and humility that I offer the following services.

Mediumship is the ability to connect with the spirit realms. A medium serves as the link here in the physical through which angels, guides, and loved ones in spirit can communicate with humans. Clairvoyance is the ability of an individual to actually “see” into the realms of spirit to provide insight into our physical lives. Intuition is something everyone has, though some individuals have a stronger, more developed “sixth sense” that allows them to use their inner sense of knowing to guide others.

I am grateful to be gifted in all three of the above areas, and use my abilities to share messages regarding love, career, finance, family, and relationships; along with any other information that is of assistance to your life path.

Your angels, guides, and deceased loved ones in spirit are with you always. These beings have only your highest good in their intentions, so the messages they give me are typically uplifting, enlightening, and inspirational in nature.



Whenever I need spiritual guidance and counseling I can always count on Dan to be a great source of solid, logical reasoning with a nice dose of spirituality. Dan has the innate ability of seeing through people’s situations to bypass the excesses of their thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, roadblocks, etc and reach the core of an issue or challenge. Dan is a wise, gentle, kind and compassionate soul with the utmost integrity. S.D.

Dan is the real deal. His insights and spiritual guidance have helped me immensely over the years. Thank you Dan!  – C.L.